Will COVID-19 change what we need to study?

Asked by Katie Summers (Middle School Student)

I’m interested in pursuing a career in medicine, but I’m wondering how COVID-19 might change this industry for future generations.

Will there be a significant impact for us still in high school or will this pandemic be insignificant in the long run.

Please let me know!

Reply by Riley Anderson (Mentor)

Excellent question. To be frank, I don't exactly know. It really depends how determined people are willing to slow this pandemic down.

Reply by Meghan Holmes (High School Student)

So far COVID-19 hasn't affected my courses at all (apart from us doing school remotely)

Reply by Benjamin Boardley (General Practitioner)

Personally, I don't think it will affect you youngsters much at all. By the time you're in the workforce the effects of COVID-19 will most likely have worn off.

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